After the Battle at Cambrai at the end of 1917 it was decided by His Majesty the King to approve the grant of the title 'Royal' to the Newfoundland Regiment in recognition of the splendid performance of the men of Newfoundland in the Ypres and Cambrai battles.  This was a very unique honour as no other regiment in the British Army was to have such a distinction awarded to it during the First World War while fighting was still in progress.



The Honourable
The Colonial Secretary

I have the honour to forward copy of a Telegram received from the Secretary of State under date 19th instant respecting the conferring of the title of “Royal” on the Newfoundland Regiment.

I shall be glad if you will communicate it to the Regimental authorities.

I know that it is a matter which Sir W. Davidson had much at heart, and I am also very pleased.

C. Alexander Harris


21 December 1917

Source: GN 2.14.37 The Rooms, Provincial Archives, St. John's, NL


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